For Authors

Details for participation

The Page 1 Challenge is meticulous about compliance with copyrights.  We will not use your work without explicit permission from you.


Our commitment:

1. We will use only the agreed-upon text, which will be limited to page 1 (and possibly a bit of page 2 if it is necessary to complete a coherent thought). The content to be used will be explicitly agreed upon.


2. The content will be read verbatim.


3. We will only use your content after we receive an email with your statement of consent to using the content, as described above in #1.


4. We reserve the right to publish or not publish a podcast with your work, even after consent.  Consent to use should not be construed as a guarantee of use.


5. The Page 1 Challenge is not an advertising or paid promotion platform.  We don't pay for the right to use your content.

Other Comments
If you think you might be interested in having your book featured, please first listen to a couple episodes so you know how it works.
Not every book goes from zero to sixty in one page, so not every book is a good fit for the (admittedly) quirky concept of the podcast. 
One optional thing that we like to include at the end of each episode is a brief commentary from the author - some little tidbit or trivia about the book, a character, about your process, some theme for the listener to look for when reading the book, etc.  Something special for the listener to take away from the podcast.